Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Back to School and Back to the Blog

I've been very bad about updating this recently, but as I've returned to school, I am hoping I'll get back on track. Being back in school also means being home more, which means more time to get back to cooking and baking!
Chickpea curry, which I have found is much better when I blend up the garlic, ginger, onion, spices, and tomatoes before cooking them, and dijon green beans.
Refried beans (Amy's Organics), iceberg lettuce (which I consider a 'treat'!), salsa made in the processor, and topped with an attempt at a cheezy sauce which was a bit too runny. Delicious and filing.
Oven roasted potatotes and tofu scramble, which was served with the lemon cornmeal waffles with blueberries (from the PPK) which are pictured below. I made this for brunch when I had my dad and brother over.

Mixed vegetable salad with toaster croutons (bread double toasted and chopped into small pieces), which is perfect for when I'm feeling really lazy or hungry! More salad, which cooked beets and chopped basil.
I visited Seattle over Labour Day weekend and checked out some great little resturants. I'll post more on that in my next post.