Monday, February 25, 2008

Breath a little cooking

I'm trying to breath a little cooking life back into this blog which I have been quite neglectful of. I just returned from a week long visit to Maui which while it had beautiful beaches and lovely weather, best of all had one of the best grocery stores I have ever been in - Mana Foods in Paia. While I didn't take any pictures, I can report that Mana foods bakes excellent vegan scones fresh every day, has a large selection of baked on site vegan bars and cookies, and a salad bar that contains a number of vegan items including salads with Veganaise. So awesome that I went there almost every day!
Upon arriving back home, I cooked up some Tofu Florentine from Veganomicon, happy to be back in my own kitchen. I especially enjoyed the potatoes as I am usually too lazy to boil them before frying them, although it makes a much tastier result.

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